Home Dog My dog ​​is losing hair! calm down and read to the end

My dog ​​is losing hair! calm down and read to the end

by Ronni T.

My dog ​​is losing hair: Calm down, take a deep breath and repeat after me: nothing is wrong, this is completely normal. Your little ball of fur will not go bald and although hair loss is a problem for you, for them it is part of their life. 

My dog ​​is losing hair

Dogs’ fur is an important part of their body, so much so that this is an infallible indicator of their state of health. When it is dull, dry, or very scarce it is an alarm that something is wrong. 

However, hair loss is part of your regular cycle. Each strand grows and then sheds to ensure proper performance of thermal functions and other things. So get ready, because from now on your dog’s hair will be part of the decoration of your house. 

1. When does hair loss stop being normal?

Although the natural cycle of hair in dogs is divided into three stages that occur at the same time: growth, transition, and fall; Naturally, during two seasons of the year, the shedding of the coat in dogs increases, better known as seasonal shedding or due to shedding. Usually the first occurs in the spring and the second in the fall. This is something especially important for furry dogs, as their fur guarantees them to be protected during the winter. 

In females, it is normal for shedding of hair to occur during pregnancy and in the recent months after childbirth. 

This becomes problematic when it falls so excessively that patches form on the body and the skin shows lesions or irritability.

2. Can it be stopped?

Due to its natural nature in most cases, stopping it is useless; but if we can take actions to slow it down:

  • Ensure your dog’s health

Everything regarding the health of dogs as it happens in human beings starts from the inside. The first thing is to know that a dog whose health is not optimal can be seen directly in its fur. 

The key to having healthy dogs is to provide them with the right diet. You can also reinforce their nutrition with a food supplement recommended by the veterinarian. 

  • Not bathing him frequently

The recurrence of bathing in canines should be done according to their breed and size approximately once or twice a month. When it is done too frequently, the shedding of the hair occurs more quickly because the skin dries up, losing its protective layer. 

Veterinarians assure that brushing the dog helps to remove dead hair without damaging the epidermis and makes the layer of protective fat evenly distributed throughout the coat. 

  • brush it often 

Brushing their fur is perhaps one of the moments that our pets adore the most, as they are moments in which they feel a greater connection with us. In addition, this practice helps reduce hair loss, since the brush gives them a capillary massage that activates blood circulation and strengthens each hair strand. 

To do this, you can find small special brushes in pet stores that do a good job. Some of them even have designs that are intended to strengthen your fight against hair loss. 

  • Deworm it externally

Last but not least is external deworming. Applying products that keep unwanted guests on the skin is synonymous with caring for your dog’s fur since these are agents that accelerate hair loss. 

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