Home Dog How to train a dog to go to the bathroom in 5 steps

How to train a dog to go to the bathroom in 5 steps

by Ronni T.

How to train a dog to go to the bathroom: Perhaps one of the main drawbacks to having a pet at home is the problems that their physiological needs entail, especially for those of us who do not have a patio at home where they can do them. Training it to have more control in this aspect is the responsibility of the owners and fortunately, many techniques can be used and are very effective. 

How to train a dog to go to the bathroom easy

This training should be applied gently, always bearing in mind that very young dogs do not have control of their sphincters, and therefore it is difficult for them to learn to go to the bathroom at first. For this reason, the results of teaching may begin to be noticed after they develop the appropriate muscles. 

Dog training tips 

1. Provide dry food

The first step is to change the puppy’s diet for dry food, because the more moisture the food it eats has, the more likely it will want to urinate more frequently. 

Dehydrated foods are a great option, especially the croquettes that are sold in the market. These are responsible for capturing all the water that the canine normally consumes and cause urination to be significantly reduced. It should also not be forgotten that these croquettes must be very nutritious and rich in protein to strengthen their growth. 

2. Do not condition a place to relieve yourself

 Although it is a quick way out of the matter, establishing a place in the house with newspaper, cardboard, or a rug for the dog to relieve himself is not recommended. This will interfere with his potty training because he won’t be potty trained instead he will believe he can relieve himself there. 

3. Take a walk several times a day 

This is a task that requires time and patience, so walks outside are an important part of it how do you want him to learn to urinate outside if he never goes out? 

You can start by taking him out for a walk 15 to 20 minutes after finishing his meal and after every nap. You also have to learn the language of your dog, over time you will notice that he will ask you to take him outside. 

4. Do not punish him

Punishing the puppy for peeing on the rug is not part of any training. Do not think that his habits will change immediately that you decide, in reality, the process occurs naturally. 

Also, in case you didn’t know, dogs’ memory isn’t very good when it comes to things like this. If you come home and the carpet is dirty, there is no point in punishing him because the dog will not even establish a connection between urinating and the punishment you are giving him. 

We repeat that the results of this training will not be appreciated immediately. But if the dog has grown and still does not show how to put its learning into practice, it is best to go to a professional trainer. 

5 Reward good behavior

Your dog should know when he has peed or pooped in the right place, so immediately after that, you should give him a treat so that he understands that he has done a good job. You should also caress him and tell him how good he has been, he will want to make you feel proud all the time. 

It should be noted that it is after 8 weeks of life that the puppy begins the period of relieving itself on a substrate, that is, it is when they prefer to defecate and urinate on certain specific surfaces, therefore it is the ideal time to start with potty training. 

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