Did you know that an exotic animal is anyone who lives at home except for the dog and the cat? Contrary to popular belief, exotic animals are not just rare and hard-to-see animals like snakes, spiders, or tropical birds. The reality is that an exotic animal can be a guinea pig, a hamster, a goldfinch, a gopher tortoise, or even a frog. Some are even referred to as Rodents.
Today, we will embark on a journey through the exciting world of exotic animals, with the sole objective of showing you the care they need at home. In addition, we take the opportunity to remind you that among our available services is a Specialized Service for this type of exotic animal.
What do hamsters eat?
To answer this question, we must differentiate a wild hamster from a domestic one. When the rodent lives wild, it feeds mainly on seeds, grains, plants, and insects. This food variety must also be present when the hamster is at home in the form of quality feed supplemented with vegetables, plants, and fresh seeds, which we contribute daily to our animals.
- Intake of fruits and vegetables . The more variety of fruits and vegetables the rodent eats, the more nutritious its diet will be. These foods are the perfect complement to a high-fiber, low-sugar diet.
Some of the fruits that your rodent can eat are apples, bananas, grapes, strawberries, cherries, melons, and peaches, among others. Attention should be paid to the pips of the fruits since, for example, their intake is not recommended in the case of apples.
As for vegetables, hamsters can eat different types, such as spinach, lettuce, carrots, peppers, celery, or beans.
- Cheese and other dairy products in a hamster’s diet . Cheese is not an essential food in their diet. The ideal thing to incorporate this food is to do it progressively and start with very small amounts, in this way, we can see if it suits you or, on the contrary, if you have some type of lactose intolerance.
- Feeding of the pups. A baby hamster can be weaned and started on solid food from the third week.
The only precaution that we must take into account at this stage is that the baby is not yet fully developed – its incisors and pouches are growing – so we must pay attention to the size of the food and its hardness.
What do other rodents eat?
Squirrels, like hamsters, are omnivorous animals with a diet based on seeds, nuts, and vegetables. They can also consume small animals, such as worms, crickets, and fruits.
Other rodents, such as rats and mice, have a diet very similar to the hamster’s, based on fruits, vegetables, cereals, plants, and small insects.
If you have any questions about feeding your pet, you should go to a specialized center so that an expert in exotic animals can indicate the appropriate foods for each species.
The importance of a good diet in the health of hamsters and other rodents
A healthy and balanced diet helps our small mammals to improve their quality of life and avoid pathologies or related diseases. On average, the life cycle of a hamster lasts between 2 and 3 years, but with proper care, we can try to extend and improve its day-to-day life.
The food quality we provide our pets will help reduce the risk of disease. One fact that we must take into account is that the fruit must be changed daily to prevent it from rotting and causing infections in the animal.
Food is also important for rodents’ oral health care. Well-cared-for teeth will make it easier for the hamster to feed itself correctly, and, in addition, we must provide it with objects to gnaw so that it can naturally wear down its teeth -in case you did not know, hamster teeth grow throughout their lives-.
We have been able to observe that feeding in rodents, as in the rest of mammals, is extremely important for their development; however, we must not neglect other aspects that will ensure that our hamster leads a healthy life, such as:
- Home: its cage must be spacious so the animal does not suffer from stress or anxiety. Choose a place without too much noise and direct light. To maintain proper care,, it is necessary to clean the cage once a week.
- Exercise: a hamster must exercise every day,, and with the wheels,, they will achieve it very simply.
- Hydration: You should have fresh, clean water throughout the day.
- Grooming: remember that it is not necessary to bathe a hamster, they do their own grooming.
- Schedules: do not forget that they are nocturnal animals, so you must respect their sleep during the day.
Caring for rodents is not a complicated task as long as their care is known. In case of doubt or health problems, contact the vet.
How to feed your hamster?
- Hamster mixes: add approximately 2 tablespoons daily so that the animal cannot select only what it likes best. You can opt for feeding with compound feed (consult).
- Fruit and vegetables: small amounts daily (broccoli, green beans, beet greens, carrots, and radishes: can be offered with small remains of the fleshy part, carrot, apple, or tomato.
- Nuts: They can eat ¼ walnut, 1 hazelnut or 1 peanut a week.
- Protein: 1-2 times a week (dog food, hard-boiled egg, cooked ham, cheese).
- You need to always have food and clean water available.
- Don’t overly clean the hamster’s “storage room” – it could cause anxiety and excess food accumulation in the pouches.
- Take into account the size of the animal. Offer him small pieces and always remove the remains that he has not eaten that day.
When the hamster tries a fruit or vegetable for the first time, we must always ensure it tolerates it well. Intolerance would result in loose stools 2-3 hours after ingestion.